NSW PDHPE Syllabus Outcomes

These are the Syllabus Outcomes for the New South Wales (NSW) PDHPE Syllabus K-6.

The lesson plans on the Teaching with Picture Books website are aligned with these outcomes.

PDH Syllabus Outcomes (Kindergarten):
SLSK.1: Recognizes and identifies their own and others’ emotions.
SLSK.2: Communicates about their own and others’ emotions and begins to discuss strategies to manage these.

PDH Syllabus Outcomes (Year 1):
SLS1.12: Recognizes and describes the feelings of others and begins to appreciate how others show they are feeling.

PDH Syllabus Outcomes (Year 2):
SLS2.12: Recognizes and appreciates similarities and differences between people.


Integration with PDH:

Throughout all lessons, the integration with the Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education (PDHPE) syllabus targets emotional understanding, empathy, and recognizing emotions, aligning with the stated outcomes.

a flamboyance of flamingos
my name is not refugee
bee & me
lest we forget
the peace book