Picture Books by Title

Looking for lesson plans and teaching resources to go with a picture book?
Click on the links below to check out the free lesson plans and teaching resources designed for each picture book.
For each book there is also a comprehensive resource pack which includes a variety of writing and response templates differentiated to cater for the needs of all the learner in your classroom.
I’m adding more picture books and resources every day so check back tomorrow to see what’s new.
Like to suggest a picture book for me to include? Please do contact me and I’ll see what I can do.
I’d love to know which picture books you use – or would like to use – in the classroom so please drop me a line via the contact form here.
A Family is a Family is a Family
A Flamboyance of Flamingos
A House that Once Was
Alphabetical Sydney
Aroha’s Way
Bee & Me
Brave As Can Be
Day Break
Dreaming Soldiers
Finding Our Heart
Grandma’s Treasured Shoes
Henry’s Map
How Many Jelly Beans?
Lest We Forget
My Heart
My Name is Not Refugee
My Magic Breath
Night of the Moon
One World Together
Ruby’s Worry
Sorry Day
Sorry Sorry
Stolen Girl
St Patrick’s Day
The Black Book of Colours
The Colour of Home
The Goody
The Journey
The Little Refugee
The Peace Book
The Rainbow Serpent
The Way I Feel
This is a Ball
Tough Guys (Have Feelings Too)
What is a Refugee?
When Frank Was Four
When Sophie’s Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt
words and your heart
Yes Day!
Ziba Came on a Boat