One World Together

Free lesson plan, writing template and printable word-search puzzles for kids

one world together

Best suited to:

K – Year 2

KLAs covered:

English, PDH (empathy), geography


  • places are different and have different features;
  • children live in different places, do different things and have different interests but are also similar – and similar to us – in many ways;
  • we can be friends with people who are different to us;
  • the places they live are important to children;
  • the places they live influence how children live;
  • world geography: where is Brazil? Where is Japan? Where is Russia?

Need to know:

  • a very simple text about a little boy who travels to different countries looking for friends;
  • each double-page spread features a child from a different country and 2-5 pictures and facts about the child’s life;
  • the last page features a fold-out image of the world, the children and the words: ‘we are one world together’;

Discussion Questions (before reading):

  • what do you see, think and wonder about the book when you look at the cover?
  • what do you think this book will be about?
  • do you think we can be friends with people who are different from us? Why or why not?

Discussion Questions (after reading):

  • have you ever visited/lived in another country? what did you notice about the children’s homes/schools/games?
  • show the children one of the double-page spreads in the book: how is this child’s life the same as yours? What things are different?
  • why do you think the author wrote this book? What do you think is the message of the book?
  • do you have a favourite page? Which one and why?


K – Year 1

Children draw one of the children from the book and write a sentence about him or her: There are elephants in Lukas’s country;

Year 2

Model this activity on the classroom’s whiteboard first:

  • children create a page about their own life in the same format as the book;
  • children think of 3-5 things about their lives they’d like to include;
  • they use their own name. For example: I went to Sydney. I met a girl called Olivia. Olivia … 
  • children illustrate their work;

Additional activities:

  • watch an episode of Where in the World” and discuss what the children notice about the lives of the children shown in the clip. How are their lives different from – and the same as – the lives of the children in your classroom?
  • look up some of the countries mentioned in the book on a globe or world map and discuss. How far away are they? Has anyone in the class visited the country?

Your free, printable word-search puzzles and writing template

These free, printable word-search puzzles for kids are great for building and reinforcing the vocabulary used when discussing One World Together. They’re especially helpful for EAL/D students.

There are three different puzzles in this file to enable you to differentiate the activity according to the learning needs of your students.

Download and print our free writing template for use with the picture book One World Together here (PDF).

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